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Philippine Vending Corporation on Social-Media

As a company that has always staked its reputation on quality and professional customer service, we have recently made the decision to become more active on social media. Current and prospective customers alike will begin to immediately experience a focused and targeted presence on our Facebook page, and we look forward to interacting with everyone via this most innovative of platforms.

We understand that our customers depend on prompt service in order to keep their vending machines up and running. Not only does this lead to happier employees on your end, but it also helps increase their productivity. We get this. It is not enough to simply promote quick service; we must act upon it. Given the instant nature of Facebook, we feel that this has grown into one of the best and primary ways of keeping in regular contact with our customers.

You can expect our Facebook page to provide you with regular updates on our products and services as well as keeping current and prospective clients informed of any upcoming events and promotions that we might have.

Philippine Vending Corporation Facebook

At the same time, we plan to regularly monitor the page in our attempt to create meaningful dialogue amongst the community. We want to hear your questions, comments, and suggestions. We will answer these in a public forum, so that everyone benefits from the exchange of knowledge. We are making a commitment to provide our customers with an easy and accessible way to reach us. There is no more need to go to our website and fill out a contact form, or even call us. You can drop a quick note on Facebook and expect a speedy reply to your questions or concerns.

When you have a moment, consider ‘liking’ our Facebook page, and then begin posting and comments or inquiries that you might have there. We look forward to interacting with each of you via Facebook or Twitter.


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